Ubuntu Market


Welcome to GN Information Systems, where innovation meets technology to shape the future. As a pioneering force in Zambia’s tech landscape, GN Information Systems specializes in cutting-edge solutions in the realms of Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and web application development.

At GN Information Systems, we harness the power of IoT and AI to create transformative solutions that redefine industries and drive growth. Our portfolio boasts an array of dynamic web applications, including point-of-sale systems for seamless transactions both online and offline. We’ve revolutionized loan management with our bespoke platforms, such as Ind Loans, catering to individual borrowers, and our group loan management system tailored to the unique needs of collective borrowers in Zambia and beyond.

As a frontrunner in technological innovation, GN Information Systems has also made significant strides in education, offering state-of-the-art school management applications designed to optimize academic and behavioral performance tracking in Zambian schools and across Africa.

In our commitment to fostering economic empowerment and accessibility, we proudly present Ubuntu Market—a dynamic online marketplace connecting businesses with consumers, showcasing local products and services that resonate with the heart of Africa.

At GN Information Systems, we’re not just shaping the future; we’re empowering it. Join us on this transformative journey as we continue to push boundaries, innovate relentlessly, and drive progress in Zambia’s tech landscape and beyond.

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